Care Controls LTD Logo

Care Controls Ltd
422A Chessington Road
KT19 9EJ

Tel: 020 8391 5453
Fax: 020 8391 5455

Equal Opportunities

Care Controls Ltd disciplinary and grievance procedures, training policy and conditions of employment, which are part of the Care Controls Ltd employment manual, support this statement of intent.

Care Controls Ltd operates an equal opportunities and training programme and it fully recognises the requirements of the current Act of Parliament, in respect of equal pay, race, relations, disability and sex discrimination.

It is the policy of Care Controls Ltd to ensure that all employees and/or applicants for employment are viewed less favourably than others, due to the colour of the skin, race or religion, nationality, sexual preferences, age, other than limitations imposed by law, or due to any infirmity or disability.

All employees or applicants for employment, will be given all due regard in respect of their ability to carry out the tasks and duties being requested of them. Their development and/or training and/or promotion will be based on their ability and aptitude only.

It is the policy of Care Controls Ltd that, should any employee feel or determine that they are, or have been, discriminated against in any form or manner, they have the right to bring the matter to the attention of their line manager, or ultimately the Managing Director. Any such instances will be dealt with in an appropriate and unbiased manner, in accordance with the Care Controls Ltd disciplinary and grievance procedures. All such matters will be dealt with in a discreet, considered and compassionate manner.

Each and every employee will be given all due consideration with regard to the need for future training and development, within the bounds of their ability and aptitude. Where the need for further training and development has been duly recognised, this will be investigated as a matter of priority, having consideration to the employees’ home location, status and needs.

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Registered office 1A, High Street, Epsom, Surrey KT18 8DA
Registered in England No 03997220
Vat Reg No 757242127